
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’




I spent part of my evening talking about how important the EPA is to all people. It seems that people think the EPA is too restrictive and should be banned all together. I tried to refresh the minds of old and teach some of the minds of young how for many, many years we (my family) could not eat fish from the Savannah River. Mind you that I didn’t live at the mouth which is far worse.


I’m not going to tell you how mercury gets into the fish and what all can happen like what type of detrimental effects there are on the human body. You can look that up yourself if you don’t know. Much of the toxins that cause mercury poisoning came from the Savannah River Site. We would fish some miles downstream until it was determined the fish were not safe to eat. Of course bottom feeders tend to have a higher concentration and my oh my—I love catfish.


Now, this is just one level of monitoring done by the EPA and such agencies. If it weren’t for the EPA, we would have deadly smog (amongst other things). We still do but it would be much worse because what company is going to police itself if no one calls them out? None.


There are coal ash ponds around and there are companies still using coal. There is a river in Alabama that has this problem right now. The pugs—sorry, I can’t help it—don’t want regulations. They just want to make money whether it is coal energy or other fossil fuels … in pipelines that can spill and believe me—they will eventually leak and spill. So much I can say…I’m frustrated that we are doing things that will harm ourselves.


These government regulations are seen as bad for business. Guess what else they think is bad? Minimum wage. Time off. Having to answer to anyone. Hmmm. See the pattern. For the party who claims they want responsibility, they don’t.


I would like to thank the River Keepers for helping to keep us safe. It is their diligence that has led to a better and cleaner environment for all. There are many people to thank but we all need to get involved. If we don’t look after her – Mother Earth – who will?


Happy Gardening! 🙂

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In the movie “Quigley Down Under,” Tom Selleck played the part of an expert marksman with a long gun who is hired by a certain rancher character named Marsten to travel to Australia. Without getting into too many details I think some of the best dialogue occurred when Marsten was going to kill Quigley at the end of the movie. Believing that Quigley could not use a handgun, Marsten had the badly beaten Quigley propped up and given a Colt revolver (if memory serves correctly). Quigley quickly shoots Marsten and says this to him, “I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn’t know how to use it.”


Politics. I don’t like it – in fact hate it but I understand it and I’m not bad at reading what will happen given certain parameters are in place. Politicians will play games and say anything to get in office when they don’t care about us-not really. We are part of an elaborate play.  Sometimes the script is written and sometimes it isn’t. We are not actual participants like we think we are. We are used as pawns on a board-our lives are what is up for grabs-usually we lose no matter what. No, this isn’t a conspiracy theory as I have been accused. This comes from observing people and learning about them over many years. It calls for more objective observation rather than subjective.


I have much to say about what has been going on. I don’t usually vote by party lines-as in I don’t feel that I have to give my allegiance to only one party or person. Party politics have shown their worse attributes this election season in my opinion but I have never cared for them anyway. Hillary Clinton became the democratic nominee and if she really wanted Bernie’s followers she would not have waited until the convention to try to bring in unity. I’m sure she will win. There is no doubt in my mind but she made a crucial mistake and I don’t think it can be undone even given that people forget things rather quickly.


People don’t see long range. Pity. She didn’t court those younger people earlier on. She could have very easily done so and easily brought more people to support her but I won’t go there right now. Even if most of them vote for her in November do you really think there will be an allegiance by them to the party or to her in four years? No. Absolutely not. See where I am going with this? I have seen politicians use some of the vilest of things this year but you have to look long range. Just like Bernie’s movement was not about Bernie-it was about the people-equality-justice-environment-education-and health to name a few. Those things he kept saying will resonate long after this election. Horse races come and go. A fiery passion for justice doesn’t.


Do I sound bitter? I don’t mean to. This is my evaluation of what is before us. When she accepted the nomination, a huge weight was lifted because today, I laugh at people who tell me that I emphatically MUST vote for Clinton. I also laugh at those who tell me the same about Trump or any other delegate. But the Clinton ones are the same people who told me that those who follow Bernie are petulant children and many other things. I laugh at them screaming about the Trump monster which makes them even angrier which in turn makes me laugh harder. I can’t help it.


Here is the thing. Our country was founded on principles of representation. Most people could not vote when the country was formed but we have been attempting to right that error ever since, well some of us have. When we require someone to vote a certain way, what have we become? Fear is the greatest fear of all. I refuse to be bullied because of Trump or Clinton or anyone else. Oh, if you don’t vote for Clinton, Trump will be in the Whitehouse. Sigh-roll eyes-sigh again. Even if I believe that, do you think telling me this is going to make a positive impact? I’ll just leave the words slaves, oppression, and suppression here to think about.


Now I ask:

What is freedom?

Freedom is the lack of fear.


Actually the question is the answer. You first have fear. You must get rid of the fear to have freedom.


My facebook newsfeed is plastered with stuff that says things-terrible things-telling the audience essentially, “How dare you express an opinion different than mine.” Guess what. We each have an opinion and that’s good. The world would be pretty boring if we are all the same. It’s really important for people to have control over their own vote-our vote. If we don’t, we are no better than China, North Korea, Soviet Russia and many others. Is this what we want? Well, I hope not.


So, vote! Vote for whomever you want. No restrictions. Yes, I have opinions but I expect others to be intelligent enough to make up their mind on their own. The mindless masses are one of our downfalls. Just make sure your reasoning isn’t because you don’t want the other person in office or you feel pressured by others. The day we give our vote away is the day democracy dies. Remember that.


Happy Gardening! 🙂

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