
Posts Tagged ‘People’

I love science

Science is one of those things we can’t live without. I love science. Who doesn’t? It’s the understanding of the world around us from simple things to more complex ones. When we better understand our world and the universe, everything seems much less complex.


Since science involves knowledge, this knowledge needs to be shared. If one person only has the knowledge, what good is science? Nothing really because our world will still rotate and revolve around the sun and our solar system will still spin in the galaxy while the galaxy—what we call the Milky Way Galaxy—travels in the universe. Light energy will still travel at the same speed whether we are aware of it or not and sounds will still make a noise whether we understand wave science or not. Our recognition and acknowledgment isn’t a prerequisite.


I like to deal in some absolutes in life. Science helps to give me those absolutes even if we only discuss theories. It’s much like geometry. You start with a point and from a point you establish a line and from that line you know another line exists and from lines we have planes and so forth. It may all seem undefinable at first but then you learn it’s more than just symbols on paper or computer because it explains everyday life. Same with science—yes I realize that geometry is a tool we use in science JIC I need to say this. We can examine the smallest of particles, observe them in their natural environment, and even do studies that change their environment to see how they react. Repeating these experiments often enough, we learn what suppositions and what hypotheses hold true.


We know for a fact that the earth is not flat and it is not the center of the universe nor does our solar system revolve around us. We know that. It’s not some theory. Just like we know dinosaurs existed but are gone today even though some of their relatives exist. We know they were here. We also know that the earth is more than a few million years old. We know this because we have amassed much information digging through layers here on earth, studying the smallest particles, understanding where elements are found and where they came from, etc. This is more than theory. So people who want to squash science because they don’t like to hear the results do so because they don’t like the reality. No, not an alternate reality. There is no such thing in our reality. It doesn’t fit their specific paradigm.


I’ll agree that there is some science left up to interpretation but it’s not what people are squabbling about. Black holes fall into this category. I know people want to believe that we were put on separate continents and that our skin color didn’t change but we weren’t put there. We migrated there through needs such as searching for food and better climate but also our desire to explore and find out more. It’s natural for humans to want to learn more about who we are and what the past holds. Through time, we as humans or more likely, our ancestors, adapted to the environments. We changed so we don’t all look the same. Evolution to me is not a theory but a fact.


If we continue to believe in things that are not true and continue to label what we have indeed found to be true theories, we are dumbing down the masses. Science is suffering which makes all of us suffer. Again, the earth is not flat. It is older than some 6000 years as some profess. Dinosaurs were not put on a boat to be saved some 4000+ years ago. Didn’t happen. Millions of years have passed since the dinosaurs and other animals and fauna were wiped out. We know this from the K-T or K-Pg boundary. (You know I love this about world geology—the boundary layer. It’s one of the most fascinating things to me for our history. You can see it and touch it. It’s physical.) Humans as we are today did not exist at the same time as dinosaurs. I don’t care how many science fiction books and movies portray it differently, it just didn’t happen.


As we study what is in our past, we are hoping to see a glimmer of what will be in our future. We particularly would like to be able to stop something that might wipe out our Earth before it happens such as what caused the dinosaurs to go extinct. Climate change is one of those things. Oh, yes, the climate has always been changing but the difference today is that we can do something about it especially “if” (it has) it has been exasperated by our own actions of the industrial age. People like to pretend everything is fine in their bubble. There are no wars in their bubble, no mass shootings, no super bug, etc. Why do you think people want a wall? To keep out the boogey man of course. Anything that might harm their bubble. Maybe they know their bubble isn’t reality—I’m not sure.


Science is important. I can’t stress how important. You can quit talking about climate change but it won’t make the problem go away. It’s a very selfish way to look at things—thinking it doesn’t exist. We should be talking about science more and sharing more facts rather than pretending we have only been on this earth for 6000 years. We have brains. We need to start using them.


Embrace science. Don’t be scared. The universe is beautiful and the more we know, the better we are and hopefully the more we appreciate what we have and will take better care of it.


Happy Gardening! 🙂

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I spent part of my evening talking about how important the EPA is to all people. It seems that people think the EPA is too restrictive and should be banned all together. I tried to refresh the minds of old and teach some of the minds of young how for many, many years we (my family) could not eat fish from the Savannah River. Mind you that I didn’t live at the mouth which is far worse.


I’m not going to tell you how mercury gets into the fish and what all can happen like what type of detrimental effects there are on the human body. You can look that up yourself if you don’t know. Much of the toxins that cause mercury poisoning came from the Savannah River Site. We would fish some miles downstream until it was determined the fish were not safe to eat. Of course bottom feeders tend to have a higher concentration and my oh my—I love catfish.


Now, this is just one level of monitoring done by the EPA and such agencies. If it weren’t for the EPA, we would have deadly smog (amongst other things). We still do but it would be much worse because what company is going to police itself if no one calls them out? None.


There are coal ash ponds around and there are companies still using coal. There is a river in Alabama that has this problem right now. The pugs—sorry, I can’t help it—don’t want regulations. They just want to make money whether it is coal energy or other fossil fuels … in pipelines that can spill and believe me—they will eventually leak and spill. So much I can say…I’m frustrated that we are doing things that will harm ourselves.


These government regulations are seen as bad for business. Guess what else they think is bad? Minimum wage. Time off. Having to answer to anyone. Hmmm. See the pattern. For the party who claims they want responsibility, they don’t.


I would like to thank the River Keepers for helping to keep us safe. It is their diligence that has led to a better and cleaner environment for all. There are many people to thank but we all need to get involved. If we don’t look after her – Mother Earth – who will?


Happy Gardening! 🙂

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I have watched in horror things happening before my eyes that I knew would happen and I’m not referring to just the past few days. Watching a runaway train barrel off the side of a cliff is never self-satisfying but rather more traumatic because you knew it would happen. As for the more recent events, frustration arises when people lie and go along with lies to just to further their agenda or cover for what has happened. These people are the audience of a master magician who want everyone to believe in magic and not the fact that it is all slight of hand trickery.


If I came in every morning and said the sky is a wonderful shade of green, what would you say? Probably for a while you would say, “No, it’s blue.” Eventually, you will stop rebutting me. You may even start to see it as a nice shade of green with a hint of blue. At first you may see information we are fed as petty—rather inconsequential. Or you may actually see it as misinformation which is really more of disinformation. Navigating these waters is more involved. That’s why fake news is a thing. You can spin it for whatever purpose you desire. Fox news should have a patent because for 8 years they spun news of how President Obama wasn’t a legitimate president.


Do I sound like a sore loser? Hmmm. You don’t know me if you think that. Not only did the US lose this past November but the entire world lost. Humanity lost. Humanity is what I’m interested in. I’m not so much against Trump as I am against the republican-conservative party. Remember, I used to vote for them more often than not so I think I have room to speak. This inauguration was to cement one thing—the party of selfishness is in charge and are out to change everything from all of the people to only the haves in order to have more—the upper elites.


I tend to write blog posts that I never publish about what I see as the unjust actions to humanity. I write for my well-being lately more than not but tend to stick with facebook and twitter (and message boards) for one-on-one contact about issues. I need to return to publishing my posts and not let them sit in a file entitled “not published.”


I hate politics. I’ve said that before. But, what I hate more is people with power and money who oppress others with laws that are meant to hurt and keep (and establish more) gaps between groups of people all to allow the upper elites more power and more money and thus more control. I’m watching history repeat itself and I’m afraid we are in self-destruct mode.


It’s going to be a long four years and I plan to be here chugging all of the way.


Happy Gardening! 🙂




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