
Archive for March 13th, 2012


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At times, I will sound all good on the outside but then, I may not be doing that great on the inside. It is a process–a journey. There are a few people who have been kind enough to go on this trip with me whether they ever wanted to or not. I thank them with all of my heart. I gripe about my frustrations and tell them of positive things that have happened and in return, they give me positive reinforcement. I really could not make it without each and every one of you but there is this one friend who I tend to write about from time to time. She and I spent hours together doing things when we were much younger—hanging out in each other’s house or somewhere in between. Listen, growing up in the country was quite boring at times.

Anyway, she is doing something that I totally admire—she works in hospice. She has not always done this, but she felt called to do so. If you don’t know what hospice is, let’s just say it takes extremely good-hearted people who can deal with death on a regular basis without getting too emotionally involved but can still be emotionally involved. No, I didn’t make a mistake in that sentence. It’s not like a doctor’s job because he/she can walk away from the situation. People who work in hospice don’t get that luxury. They are many times the only support the patient gets before dying.

On to the story of the day…JJ as I sometimes call her would come to the house and we would listen to records back in the day (1970s) and one of my favorite songs was “Uncle Albert” by Paul and Linda McCartney. Every time she hears that song she thinks of me. She then reminds me of those times frequently and it brings a smile to my heart and face. Those were good times and bad times. Things were going on but we didn’t really talk about them. We would rather just hang out and forget the rest of the world existed-well, just for a while. Those are the pleasant parts of our memories and something we hold dear to our hearts as we have aged into adulthood.

Maybe there is a friend of yours who is in a job that you admire. Have you told them? Is there someone who is there for you who gives you support? Have you thanked them? I urge to reach out to those who have touched you in some way and thank them. Let them know how they have blessed your life. I thank all of those who have reached out to me. I would not be here if it wasn’t for you. I truly thank you!

Happy Gardening and may all of your days be blessed!


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