
Archive for March 30th, 2012

I don’t usually play the lottery unless it gets pretty high and then I only buy one chance. The odds for a winner is 1 in over $175 million but the odds for me winning are actually astronomical. Remember I break mirrors and have the worst luck this side of the Mississippi-well, maybe not the worst :). I ended up buying 3 chances today. I don’t know why since I have no faith that I will win. With that said, I made out a list of what I would do with the money just in case I were to win. Here are some of the things I thought of…

  1. Give a big chunk to charity–a friend’s church could use the money; people I know who are having problems paying their bills, especially their health care bills
  2. I would set up a scholarship program but not sure what it would entail
  3. Set up a kind of co-op for those who need money to go into business and can pay it back to help someone else
  4. Pay back people who have given us money in recent times
  5. Pay off our loans and be debt free
  6. Set up accounts for the kids including IRAs for the girls
  7. Buy us a house in the mountains and maybe a condo at the beach
  8. Open one or two (or more) businesses–web design and art studio; bed and breakfast/restaurant…
  9. Would love to have a farm with horses
  10. Vehicles for everyone
  11. Motor home to travel in–visit some of my readers 🙂
  12. Latest electronics for everyone
  13. Take time to travel and cruise
  14. Invest and grow the remainder to share with others in need

What would you do if you were to win the lottery? Good luck if you play and may the person(s) who win be so deserving of the prize. Happy Gardening!


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